Serving with Compassion

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Today we walked to the site where we are working and met with our Coordinator, Teva. Our day was spent packing food bags for the 60 people who left Soluna today to travel to their sponsors in various parts of the country. We organized the room where clothing and toiletries are kept, made many coolers full of lemonade, assigned families and escorted them to rooms in the hotel, served lunch and dinner and tried out best to meet the needs of the refugees. Two bus loads of people were brought by the Border Patrol to our location – about 114 people. Most are a parent with a child. There were very few mother, father, children families. Almost all came from either Guatemala or Honduras which means they walked between 1,700-2,000 miles. There were many fathers with a child. They left mothers and other children behind in hopes of settling here and then sending for them later – possibly years down the road. They came with just the clothes they were wearing. Many, especially the children, did not have shoes. We served with smiles, with compassion and we listened so we could try to ease their fears, their worries and give them what we had out of our meager supply cabinet to make their journey more comfortable. Most when asked what we could do to help them replied they wanted to just wash up and rest. They are tired.

My prayer last night was that they found rest in the hotel and slept a sleep filled with peace and safety. My prayer today is that God continues to guide us in our ministry and help all whom we serve. I will continue to share our experiences on The Road to El Paso. Thank you for your prayers – please keep them coming.



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