The Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania share in the communal heartbreak of our nation as we face another senseless act of violence, this time, the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump that resulted in the death of an innocent bystander and injuries to others.
We are a nation divided, marked by strong disagreements and divisive rhetoric. As Sisters of St. Joseph, we emphatically state that violence is never the answer. Our mission is rooted in unity and reconciliation, and we urge everyone to approach disagreements with respect, empathy, and a willingness to listen. Our faith teaches us the value of human life and the importance of peaceful resolution to our differences.
Moved by deep sadness and compassion for the victims, families, and witnesses of the shooting, we join in prayer with all who have been affected by violence and the lost sense of safety in public places, including our schools, supermarkets, and churches. However, we acknowledge that thoughts and prayers are not enough, and we must take action. In the words of Bernice King, “Sincere, love-centered calls for ‘unity’ must be accompanied by work for true peace, which includes justice.” Quoting her father, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., she states, “Justice at its best is love correcting everything that stands against love.”
Virtual Prayer Spaces for Election Season
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) invites you to 24 hours of contemplative prayer throughout the days of the United States Republican and Democratic National Conventions and the days of the National Election. LCWR created this experience to mirror the practice of adoration familiar to many of us. There will be no presentations or comments during the virtual gathering, just opportunities for silence and prayer.
Find out more and commit to joining in prayer.
Get involved with Nuns Against Gun Violence
Nuns Against Gun Violence is a coalition of Catholic Sisters and their allies that affirms the value of human life through prayer, education and advocacy for common sense, evidence-based, gun violence prevention.
Learn more about ways to get involved
Transforming Grace
“Transforming Grace,” an initiative by LCWR, invites us to take responsibility for the personal and collective responses we can make in the challenges we will encounter during the national election period. Weekly or monthly one-page prayer reflection guides include a short video, a brief reading, two or three reflection/conversation questions, and a prayer grounded in our contemplative commitment. The materials are designed to be used in groups such as leadership teams, justice committees, employee groups, and gatherings of sisters and partners in mission. Each reflection is designed for a 60-75 minute session.