Making Room for Jesus: Preparing Our Hearts
by SSJ Associate Margaret Chrymko
Over the last few years, how often have we heard that the world is different because of the COVID pandemic? When was the last time we heard that the world is different because of the Incarnation, because Christ came into the world? When have I shared this message, the message of Christ’s self-sacrificing love?
Now, the fourth candle on the Advent wreath shines brightly, symbolizing the boundless love of God that entered the world through the birth of the child, Jesus. How am I invited to share the love of God that Jesus brought into the world through His humble birth?
As we enter the final days of preparation for Christmas, let’s reflect on the love that Mary and Joseph, ordinary people, had for each other and for God. They displayed courage and trust as they were preparing for Jesus’ birth. We don’t know the details of where Jesus was born but Luke tells us that He was laid in a manger. Where will Jesus be born this year? As we approach Christmas, will Jesus have a place to be born, a place to lay his head, … in my heart? Can I feel His heartbeat, His presence inside me?
What does it mean for me to allow Jesus to be born and live in my heart, for me to feel His heartbeat? Can I trust that He will guide me in my ordinary life? Do I have the courage to follow Him?
Do I ask for the gifts I need to help me:
• display kindness when I’m irritated,
• understand and welcome another’s perspective,
• support others even when it’s not convenient,
• see when I’ve been compassionate, and
• see with God’s eyes?
Can I be more accepting of God’s love so I can share this love in everyday life?
In these last few days before Christmas, how are we invited to continue preparing our hearts for the birth of Christ? What gifts do you ask of Jesus this Christmas so you can share His love in the world?