The United States Secretary of State,Michael Pompeo, announced on September 9, 2018, that the current administration will set the maximum level of refugees allowed into the United States at 30,000 for 2019. This is the lowest number set in the history of the U.S. refugee admissions program, which was formally created in 1980.
“The Trump administration’s continuing attempts to dismantle the U.S. refugee resettlement program in the face of an unprecedented global refugee crisis is unconscionable,” stated Carol Zinn, SSJ, Executive Director of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). “More than 65 million people have been forced from their homes. They are quite literally fleeing for their lives. The United States has a long history of welcoming refugees and women religious have been blessed to be able to accompany refugee communities. We strongly object to President Trump’s attempts to limit our ability to heed the scriptural command to welcome the stranger and care for the foreigner. We urge President Trump to reconsider and set the refugee admissions goal for FY19 at 75,000.”
Communities around the country are prepared to welcome at least 75,000 refugees. Refugees are families torn apart, children who have witnessed profound violence, and people seeking a chance to rebuild their lives and raise a family in safety. In living our gospel values, we can and should protect refugees and others fleeing violence or persecution. It is time to make our voices heard and tell both the White House and Congress that 30,000 is inexcusable and that we must set a refugee admissions goal of at least 75,000. The White House is required under U.S. law to consult with Congress prior to setting the annual refugee admissions number. This has not happened yet, which means Congress can and must weigh in today.
Call the White House today at 202-456-1111 and ask that the refugee admissions goal for fiscal year 2019 be set at 75,000.
Call your Senators and Representatives today at 202-225-3121 and ask them to support a refugee admissions goal of 75,000 for fiscal year 2019.
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania is a congregation of vowed religious women, agregees and associates who minister in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania. The congregation is part of the U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph composed of more than 4,203 sisters, 25 agregees, and 3,032 associates.