Be courageous! Don’t wimp out just because it’s impossible.
The Maxims of the Little Institute of the Sisters of St. Joseph were written by our founder, Father Jean-Pierre Médaille, SJ, in the late 1600s as fundamental principles which a person seeking a life with God could follow.
Sister Susan Wilcox, CSJ of Brentwood, NY and a group of her high school students provided the contemporary translations.
Original Maxim 7, as written by Fr. Médaille:
In the manifestation of zeal characteristic of your very humble vocation, imitate the fervor of the most zealous and embrace in desire the salvation and perfection of a whole world in a spirit replete with a true humility and a generous courage. This will bring you to wish to do everything, to suffer everything, and to undertake everything for the advancement of the glory of God and the salvation of the dear neighbor.