Our work in advocating peace, justice and care of creation is rooted in the Gospel, our mission and our values. Our efforts focus on the most poor and vulnerable, whether they are a neighbor in Erie County or somewhere else in the world.

We believe that by working in partnership with our agregees, associates, colleagues, friends and other collaborators, we can make the greatest impact on peace and social justice. We coordinate a number of channels for advocacy including letter-writing campaigns, special prayer services, petitions, public forums, face-to-face meetings with public officials, and networking groups such as the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph.



Sisters of St. Joseph Join LCWR in Solidarity with the People of the Middle East

“Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake. War begets war, violence begets violence.” Pope Francis, Angelus, September 1, 2013. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania join with the members of the Leadership Conference of … Read More

U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph Joins in Calling for a Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid in Israel-Palestine Conflict

“Continuing to send weapons increases dehumanization, destruction, and trauma.” More than two dozen national Catholic organizations, including the U.S. Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph,  sent a letter to President Biden, urging him to take the necessary steps to de-escalate … Read More

Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania Call for Change in the Cash Bail System

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania join the U.S. Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph and The Bail Project to dismantle racism and eliminate the use of cash bail in the United States criminal legal system. The … Read More

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking, “modern day slavery,” is one of the fastest growing crimes in the world — including the United States. Trafficking victims have been identified in city, suburban and rural neighborhoods in all 50 states.

Locally, we work closely with the Crime Victim Center of Erie in the fight against human trafficking. If you are interested in helping, click here.

Hunger and Poverty

We address hunger locally and abroad. Our community gardens provide fresh produce for local food banks and soup kitchens. Through letter-writing and education sessions, our Sisters also collaborate with the local Bread for the World to help address the human right of food security.

Immigration Reform

We call for immigration reform that treats all people with dignity and respect, keeps families intact, and provides a direct pathway to citizenship.

Climate Change/Environment

We acknowledge the reality of climate change and the urgency of addressing this issue for the sake of the whole Earth community.

Death Penalty

We reverence the life and dignity of every person and we oppose the death penalty. We urge support and compassion for the victims of violence and restorative justice for the offenders.

Women and Children’s Rights

Our work reaches far beyond our local neighborhood. We join with thousands of Sisters, Agregees and Associates to proclaim a vision of unity in response to situations and conditions which threaten our global community.



The Congregations of Sisters of St. Joseph are recognized as an NGO (non-governmental organization) of the United Nations. This allows us to bring the voices and experiences of SSJ congregations from around the world into policy discussions at the United Nations.

With our presence at the UN, we are eager to:

  • promote the wisdom of all cultures and traditions
  • be a locus of learning and teaching dedicated to preparing ourselves and others to think and act as global citizens
  • be active participants in global systems change initiatives
  • take an active role in preserving and using mother earth’s resources through sustainable development to enhance the neighborhood of the universe.
  • For more information, contact: Peaceandjustice@ssjerie.org