The mission of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania, its agregees and associates, is to unite all people with one another and with God by responding to the ever-changing needs of the world and serving the neighbor without distinction.
The foundation of our spirituality is always being open to the action of the Holy Spirit in our lives, unwilling to rest in the past, as we move always toward closer union with God. ~Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania Constitutions
Historically, spirituality was often equated with the so-called religious aspects of the Christian life such as prayer, penance and fasting. More recently, the meaning of spirituality has broadened. We each have unique images and thoughts about God and our relationship with God. Spirituality can be what we believe and imagine and how this influences the way we live, relate, pray and worship. Spirituality is our sense of connection to God.
~Rosemary O’Brien, SSJ