“Necessity is the mother of invention.” This proverb means that a need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem. Once again, COVID-19 made it necessary for us to do things a little differently.
The associates had some creative Halloween fun on October 25 in lieu of their usual Summerpalooza celebration. They hosted Treats not Tricks Drive-thru to collect needed items for the men at St. Patrick’s Haven. Sisters, agrégées, associates, and friends drove up the Community Living Center driveway and dropped off donations for the Haven. They also shared a little camaraderie with the volunteers who greeted them and passed out SSJ face masks and Daffin candy bars. At the end of the day, the men at St. Patrick’s Haven had a good supply of warm sweatshirts, sweat pants, underwear, hats, gloves, scarves, and socks. The Haven also received a supply of coffee, sugar, creamers, hot chocolate packets, and plenty of treats. Several monetary donations were also received.
I am grateful to all those who helped in any way to make this a successful endeavor. I would like to thank Sister Mary Fromknecht, Brian Tenney, Sue Ann Wisniewski, the Sisters at the CLC, and Jenn Woodard for their help. A big thank you to Sisters Marjorie Adams, Ann Marie Joint, Veronica Mittal, Jude Marie Talerico, and Associates Janet Demjanenko, Sandy Filippi, Patty George and Cynthia Grucza who volunteered to collect the donations. A special thank you to all those who dropped off gifts.
Once again, the SSJ community generously reached out to the dear neighbor without distinction, thus making the SSJ Mission Possible!