Our mission as Sisters of St. Joseph is unity—unity of neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God. We fulfill this mission by seeking out and doing whatever may best bring about this unity in the world—or at least in our corner of the world. Isaiah gives us direction when he says: The spirit of God is upon us because God has anointed us. God has sent us to bring good news to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to captives, and release the prisoners. God sends us to announce the year of his grace, to comfort all who mourn, to care for the needs of all, to give them bouquets of roses and messages of joy. (Isaiah 61). In other words, we are asked to respond to whatever the need.
In 1650 France, sitting outside on the “coin de la rue,” our first Sisters taught lacemaking—and much deeper truths—to the women who joined them. Those Sisters saw the need to improve the lives of women and children, and so they undertook new ways of bringing God’s message to life. In unbelievable ways, this message took hold in France, the United States, and other parts of the world. Isaiah’s dream came to life—it began to bear fruit, change lives, spread, and grow.
Isaiah’s message is needed as much today as it was back in France. Our ministries—the SSJ Neighborhood Network, St. Patrick and St. James Havens, and Saint Mary’s Home—are true examples of what Isaiah spoke of so long ago. The needs haven’t gone away, and we haven’t stopped serving those who need us. But today, we can’t do it alone. Won’t you please support our efforts to help the most vulnerable among us? We are counting on you to help us carry our mission of unity forward.
Click here to support our 2023 annual appeal.