A Lenten reflection by SSJ Agrégée Betsy Wiest
Each year when Lent rolls around, conversations abound about what we will “give up.” Will it be chocolate, fast food, TV, Facebook, etc? In reality, giving up any of these items doesn’t do what Lent is intended to do, and that is to be introspective and bring us closer to God and our neighbor.
A long time ago, a wise woman told me to stop being a human “doing” and focus on becoming a human “being.” It took me a long time to wrap my head around that. Those who know me know I am purpose-driven – always on the go. How do I stop “doing” and become a human “being?”
I spent time praying and talking with God about our charism – love of God and love of neighbor without distinction. In my prayer time, I slowed down and, for the first time, I mostly listened. I hear God whisper in my heart that sometimes, just a ministry of presence is far more effective and loving than “doing” something. Ministry of presence takes time, patience, and a listening heart. It puts others first and draws us closer to our neighbors and God.
So, I’ve slowed down in my quest to become a human being. Jesus never forced Himself on anyone. He was just there, always ready to listen and to love. I am still working on how to listen ‘to listen’ and not listen ‘to respond’ because sometimes, our quiet presence is the greatest love we can give one another.