Christmas Day has come and gone. Despite the fury and frenzy that sometimes surround the last few days leading up to Christ’s miraculous birth, we hope that you were able to find some stillness, some peace, some reflection time to really ponder the meaning of the gift you were given — the gift of hope, the gift of Jesus.
And as we begin to get things cleaned up and put away and start thinking about the New Year, we can’t forget to send thank you notes for the many, many gifts we received.
This is our thank you to you:
We are so grateful for the gift of you and all those who connect with us, pray with us, journey with us, and support the work we do. Thank you. Know that you will be remembered in our prayers.
If you made a gift this year to the SSJ Mission and Ministries Foundation annual fund, you can feel good about helping to continue our mission of unity through various ministries. If you haven’t made a gift, there’s still time and know that a gift of any size helps. If a gift is not possible, please keep the dear neighbor in your prayers.
As you get those thank you notes ready to send, please feel free to add any gratitude prayer intentions to our prayer list.
Thank you.