Warm summer days stir up memories of being a child and gathering with family and friends around the campfire. I can almost taste the sugary, chocolatey, toasted marshmallow delights that left us wanting more. One was never enough. Another one, please.
Thankfully, my desire for more is much different today.
The Sisters of St. Joseph tradition speaks of “the More” – not as something quantitative, but as a way of life that moves always toward profound love of God and love of Neighbor without distinction. It is a way of being — the inner drive and spirit that has the potential of calling forth in us a deeper response of praise to our life in God. This relationship is the “food” that nourishes us for our journey. It sustains us amid the conflict and chaos of our world today.
Welcome to S’more where “food for the journey” will be shared/offered by way of reflections and resources for spiritual enrichment. I invite you to subscribe and share your comments and thoughts, as well.
Be surprised and nourished by the presence of God in everything!
2 Comments on “welcome to s’more . . . a new blog for your spiritual journey.”
Have always appreciated, very much, Sr. Rosemary’s insights. Thank you for this blog.
Thanks for doing this. I just found the site and glanced at the articles listed. I look forward to returning to the site and taking time to read one of the articles.