A different kind of commitment . . . for the 21st-century Catholic Woman
Have you been focused on your career, settled, and yet looking for something more? Does unity with God and neighbor speak to your heart? Do you desire to grow closer in union with God? Is God calling you to some form of committed life?
The Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania offer a form of connectedness to their community called Agrégeés (ah-greh-ZHEY; French meaning attached to). Agrégées are baptized, Catholic women who are looking for something more to deepen their relationship with God. It is a form of permanent commitment through a vow of fidelity and connection to the unity of the SSJ congregation while remaining in one’s own home, living an independent life, and being responsible for one’s own personal financial affairs.
An informational session will be held on November 9, 2019, at 10:00 a.m.at the Sisters of St. Joseph Community Living Center, 5031 West Ridge Road, Erie, PA. For more information, or to make a reservation, contact Sr. Susan Herzing at 814-836-4066 or s.sherzing@ssjerie.org.