Geraldine Olon, SSJ
70-year Jubilee
Sister Geraldine Olon entered the Sisters of St. Joseph from St. Joseph Parish in Oil City, PA, in 1950 and professed her final vows in 1956.
She attended St. Joseph High School in Oil City, PA, and graduated from Villa Maria College in Erie with a BS in elementary education. She also earned an MS reading specialist degree from Syracuse University.
Sister Geraldine taught at Sacred Heart, Holy Rosary, St. Andrew, and Villa Maria Academy schools in Erie and St. Leo School, Ridgway; St. Mary School, Reynoldsville; and Elk County Christian High School in St. Marys, PA. Sister Geraldine was the founder, president, and executive director of Word of Life Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center in Erie. She was also a founder of the Bread of Life community and the House of Praise.
Currently, Sr. Geraldine is retired and resides at the Sisters’ Community Living Center.