We Are All Connected

We were made for connection. To share our lives. To shoulder one another’s burdens. If the COVID crisis teaches us one thing, let it be how powerful connection can be. How our actions – big or small – always affect others.  And how we can make a difference in other lives, especially the lives of the most vulnerable.

Certainly, the COVID crisis has heightened the needs of our ministries. The neighbors we serve are among the most vulnerable – the homeless, the disadvantaged, and the elderly. Their needs were great before the pandemic and will be even greater in the coming days and months.

We recognize how difficult this time is for everyone. So, first and foremost, know that we hold you in our prayers. And we ask you to do the same for us and those we serve. 

For those of you who can, we ask you to consider a gift to the Sisters of St. Joseph on Erie Gives Day. When you do, the Erie Community Foundation will match a percentage of your donation to the Sisters of St. Joseph and our sponsored ministries. It may seem like one small connection, but your thoughtfulness will go a long way to help us respond to the ever-changing needs of this very challenging time. And of course, we all look forward to the day when we can connect again face-to-face. 

Erie Gives Day
Tuesday, August 11
8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.

​Make a gift and the Erie Community Foundation
will increase it!


what’s this all about?
August 11, 2020 marks the 10th Erie Gives Day, and it’s needed now more than ever. During this event that runs for 12 hours between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on August 11, the Erie Community Foundation will match a percentage of your donation to the Sisters and their sponsored ministries.

Donations can be made either online with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover) at  www.eriegives.org or by check. Donations by check must be made payable to The Erie Community Foundation, accompanied by a check donation form (available at www.eriegives.org) and received by August 10. The minimum gift is $25; there is no limit to the amount you may give. For more information or to make an online gift on Erie Gives Day, visit www.eriegives.org.

If you would like a personal email reminder on Erie Gives Day, Tuesday, August 11, click here.

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