meet SSJ Associate Joan Fels

With Sr. Joyce Lowrey as her mentor, Joan became an associate in 2017. She is a member of Holy Cross parish in Fairview. She attends daily mass at the CLC and has come to know many of the sisters. She … Read More

meet SSJ associate Patty George

Associate Patty George and her late husband, Bob, became associates in 1992 at the invitation of Sister Mary Paula Zaleski and Sister Stephanie Wagner. Patty has known the Sisters of St. Joseph since her days at St. Patrick’s grade school. … Read More

meet SSJ Associate Jan Staszewski

Connectedness. That is what led Jan to become an associate in 2006.  Jan’s connections with the SSJ include her education at St. John Grade School and Villa Maria Academy; and working at St. Mary’s Home of Erie and Saint Vincent … Read More