Colette Palmer, SSJ

Sister Collette Palmer, SSJ, recalls hearing the call to religious life in the 4th grade. She was so impressed with the love, joy and dedication to God of a young postulant, Sr. Michelle Pillar, that she knew she too was … Read More

Martha Howick, SSJ

Sister Martha Howick, SSJ, says that her call to religious life was dormant until adulthood. “Having learned for the first time that God had a unique plan for my life was very freeing,” she recalls. “From then on, with fervent … Read More

Mary Francis Becker, SSJ

Sister Mary Francis Becker, SSJ, says the call to religious life was always present. “I kept denying it was there, but God does not relent,” she says. Her parents were the first and most impressive examples of faith in action … Read More