Come and see what it means to be an agrégée

A different kind of commitment . . . for the 21st-century Catholic Woman  Have you been focused on your career, settled, and yet looking for something more? Does unity with God and neighbor speak to your heart? Do you desire to grow … Read More

Welcome new SSJ Leadership!

We are pleased to announce that Sisters Mary Drexler, Phyllis McCracken, and Carol Morehouse began serving a four-year term as leadership for the congregation on July 1. Sister Mary Drexler, SSJ, is serving as president, Sister Phyllis McCracken, SSJ, as … Read More

trips for kids

Last year the SSJ Neighborhood Network joined “TRIPS FOR KIDS,” a national nonprofit with local chapters that provide youth development programs. The SSJNN Bike Program is now its Erie Chapter. This is a natural match. The TRIPS FOR KIDS vision is … Read More