Teresa Marie Bohren, SSJ

“The Lord nudged me in high school.” That’s the way Sister Teresa Marie Bohren, SSJ, describes her call to religious life. “The strongest influence was the example of my parents,” she says. “They did what was right, no matter how … Read More

Margaret Ann Hardner, SSJ

Sister Margaret Ann Hardner, SSJ, wanted to be a Maryknoll Sister and serve in a foreign land.  Her parents were reluctant, however, for her to be so far away. They felt she could do as much here with the Sisters … Read More

Ann Marie Joint, SSJ

The thought of a religious vocation came to Sister Ann Marie Joint, SSJ, at an early age, she recalls, having considered it as early as during 7th and 8th grade, though admittedly, she tried to ignore it. She was impressed … Read More