Sister Ann Marie Cappello, SSJ

Sister Ann Marie Cappello, SSJ, formerly Sister Francetta, entered the Sisters of St. Joseph from Sacred Heart parish in Erie.  She currently ministers as SSJ Mission Effectiveness Coordinator and Co-director of the SSJ Associates.  Previously, she taught at Blessed Sacrament, … Read More

Kathleen Kirsch, SSJ

Kathleen Kirsch, SSJ, formerly Sister Mary Leo, entered the Sisters of St. Joseph from Holy Rosary parish in Erie.  She currently ministers with the Sisters of St. Joseph prayer call ministry. Sister Kathleen served as a volunteer at Saint Vincent … Read More

Mary Julia Scully, SSJ

Mary Julia Scully, SSJ, entered the Sisters of St. Joseph from St. Peter cathedral parish in Erie.  Prior to retiring from active ministry, Sister Mary Julia spent 25 years teaching at St. Patrick, Holy Rosary, Sacred Heart, St. Andrew and … Read More