Phyllis McCracken, SSJ – 50 years

Phyllis McCracken, SSJ, was born in Meadville, PA, to Robert and Pauline Snyder McCracken. After graduating from Franklin High School in Franklin, PA, she attended Spencer School of Nursing and Villa Maria College and earned a Diploma RN and BSN … Read More

Mary Rita Kuhn, SSJ

Mary Rita Kuhn, SSJ 70-year Jubilee Encouragement to do something special during Lent from her 10th-grade religion teacher led a young girl to attend daily Mass as often as she could. Today, Sr. Mary Rita Kuhn credits that prayer time … Read More

Mary Rachael McGuire, SSJ

Sister Mary Rachael McGuire, SSJ 80-year Jubilee Sister Mary Rachael recalls going to Mass every morning before her job at the hospital as a young woman and Sister Anna Therese saying to her, “I think you should be a Sister.” … Read More