Stephanie Wagner, SSJ

Stephanie Wagner, SSJ  70-year Jubilee It was during a high school vocation talk when Sr. Stephanie heard, “Some of you are being selfish with God, and He may be calling you.” She discerned that thought for about a year and … Read More

Geraldine Olon, SSJ

Geraldine Olon, SSJ 70-year Jubilee Sister Geraldine Olon entered the Sisters of St. Joseph from St. Joseph Parish in Oil City, PA, in 1950 and professed her final vows in 1956. She attended St. Joseph High School in Oil City, … Read More

Mary Claire Kennedy, SSJ

Mary Claire Kennedy, SSJ 70-year Jubilee As a student at Villa Maria College, Sr. Mary Claire Kennedy learned of the rich social teachings of the Church and experienced individuals, lay and religious, who lived their faith very seriously. This had … Read More