We remember . . . Jean Baptiste DiLuzio, SSJ

Sister Jean Baptiste DiLuzio, SSJ, age 98, of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Northwestern Pennsylvania, died on March 30, 2024. She was in the 81st year of her religious life. Sister Jean was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, on June … Read More

It is Finished.

A reflection by Nancy Fischer, SSJ ​When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit. -John 19:30 I believe that two key words in this passage are “handed over.”  … Read More

Love Listens; Do You?

A reflection by Josette Marie Gocella, SSJ As I pondered what might be the message of this reflection to be shared with the congregation and the broader community, I glanced at the various “stick-ums” currently on the refrigerator in my … Read More